Saturday 19 June 2010


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God 's Love Is Everywhere


Romans 4:18

Against all hope , Abraham in hope believed and so

became the father of many nations, just as it had been said to him," So shall your offspring be"

Hope against hope, ask till ye receive

James Montgomery

Abraham is know as the father of our faith.

That title didn't come easily" First of all, he left his home in a sophisticated and affluent part of the world because he heard God Calling him to a new land.

Throughout his stroy in Genesis, the one constant is that

he "picked up his tent stakes" and moved on.

But that was just the beginning of his challenge.
When he got to the land, it was filled with warring tribes.
Even harder to deal with, he and his wife seemingly could not have children.
Hpw do you become the father of a nation when you have
have no land and no child?
But Abraham never gave up - and at an Old age recevied his reward.
Will your faith persevere when you see no immediate
results to feed your hope?
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Lord, thank you for speaking to me and giving me a vision
of my future.
keep my faith sense of hope strong.
Have A Bless Thursday

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